Tuesday, August 14, 2007

King of New York!


Speaking of Christian Bale singing, here he is knobbing with all the muckety-mucks. In a heavy New York accent. With Doogie Howser's friend. Oh Newsies, you are my secret love.


sojoyful said...

Which one is he?

srah said...

He's knobbin' wit' all the muckety mucks. And also blowin' his dough and goin' deluxe.

Doogie Howser's friend is famous and wants a permanent box at the Sheepshead races. He also wants you to look at him before he tap dances. Etcetera.

See also: One of the "Bash Brothers" from Mighty Ducks wants a pair of new shoes with matching laces. The kid from Little Big League wants a mezzanine seat to see the flickers. Bill Pullman (frequently President of the United States, here just friends with Teddy Roosevelt) is makin' a headline out of a hunch, protectin' the weak and payin' for lunch.

sojoyful said...

Wow. I think we need to get you a hobby that doesn't involve knowing things.

srah said...

I have just seen Newsies a million times.

Alfie said...

Katie thinks you're a nerd.

Katie is right.