Sunday, August 19, 2007

Last Comic Standing: Matt Kirshen's Performances

Apparently his run on Last Comic Standing is over. I (fortunately) have trouble keeping a regular TV-watching schedule in the summer so I only ever saw one episode on TV and he wasn't on that one! So I have no idea what he's doing in a jester's costume, other than being adorable. Awwwwwwwwww. *heckle*

Someone give this young man a job over here so we can see more of him! (Though not as much of him as the traffic cameras see.)


Alfie said...

Neither of you is religious, both of you like bacon, both of you look ridiculously young.

I'm sorry that none of us realized your dream of being a comedian and helped you sneak out to compete every week. We'll be more supportive next time, but only if you keep up the English accent.

srah said...

I did look pretty awesome in my jester costume.